![]() Mar 10 2010, 2:34 pm
How do you get mobs to always move 2 squares ahead, instead of the default 1 square?
Another way
atom/movable/multi_step(amount, dir) You could easily change that to return 1 only if all movement was successful by having it return on any step() failure instead of ORing it to the return value. The easiest way to then implement this, if you don't mind skipping client/Move() client/North() (edit) As Pop pointed out, you did not say anything about client-initiated movement, just mob movement in general. This task is not quite the same, and the short answer is that you can't. As for the long answer... mob/Move() does not make you step away from your current location to an adjacent one. mob/Move() (as inherited from movable/Move()) takes an argument specifying a location to move to, and that could be anywhere. There's no way to tell within mob/Move() whether the context of the move meant "walk in that direction" or if it meant another kind of movement, such as teleporting or whatever; even if the location is adjacent to your current location, it still doesn't necessarily mean you meant to walk a tile over. There are a few ways you can do what you're looking for, and the implementation you use depends on the situation. (But of course, I could have just inserted that last sentence into 95% of posts) You could start with something like the move_multi() I listed above, and use that anywhere you move a mob. Another way would be to assume that movement to adjacent tiles means you're "walking." Then you could give Move() another parameter that makes it call recursively. mob/Move(atom/newLoc, Dir=0, amount = 0) I don't particularly like this way of doing it though. I think I would rather go with the multi_step() and just use that everywhere I wanted to move something. Also note that the above recursive Move() will return 1 only if the entire movement succeeded, because it will return the success/failure of the last Move(). (edit2) Also note that, if you use the recursive Move(), you have to call it in the first place with a specified amount for the extra parameter. |
That's not very good. There's no need to define specifically for each client direction proc (nor did he say that it was only for clients), and the extra proc is completely unescesary.
mob/Move(atom/newloc, dir = 0) Now, this assumes you just pass through whatever's in between you and the next turf you're going to. If this isn't the case, it'd probably be easier just to call Move() twice. |
Something like this should work. Getting the location of the location where the movable atom normally would have stepped, and then getting the further get_step() of that. You may have to fiddle around with it to get the desired effect. It may also cause bugs with certain things like void spaces.
That might also work.