Everyone involved knew exactly what you were thinking, and what information you weren't aware of. They were just put off by your air of superiority. I don't really care. The solution's been reached, any more questions are welcome.
I never cared about the touchy-feely aspect, just the question and the answer. |
I don't have an "air superiority". XD If that's the impression that comes off, I'm sorry. I try not to unintentionally antagonize the feelings of others. I try to get along with people the best I can. x.x
Anything bigger than 100x100 takes a fairly long time to read/write. When I was testing, 200x200 was taking a good minute to read/write, while 500x500 was taking so long I do not know whether it failed, or was still going (I left it for about an hour and it was still not done).
The only other option is swapmaps. Which is faster in general (but still fairly slow on large maps), but leaves some pretty huge sized files. (Biggest I've seen it about 700Mb for something like a 800x800 map)