Alright..I have a source that I got from a friend and it literally takes about 20 minutes to compile. Is this normal? I wouldn't think so, if not what can I do to make it compile faster?
The best way would be to delete the freakin' thing and make your own damn game.
In response to Popisfizzy
lol, its my source for my game, hes a coder -_-
In response to DevilsMinion528
Popisfizzy's "delete it" comment still applies. Unless your game has gratuitous amounts of content, it shouldn't take that long to compile.
In response to Jeff8500
its entirely too extensive
In response to DevilsMinion528
In response to Jeff8500
Well one factor in which compiling time depends is the number of files in your project folder.Remove un-needed files like icons,sounds and garbage.
And another factor is if the data is in your Hard-Drive or an external Drive via USB.I belive it takes more time if your source is in an External Drive.
In response to Getenks
Try this, look at all of the program files and see how many times its just


If you are calling icons like that, this is why it takes forever, you should be listing out all of the Files that it is in such as this...


If you were to go around and do that, your compiling times gets cut down by so much. :3 I learned it the hard way when I started doing it and I figured out it cut down the time, think of it like this, if you just call the icon without the folder names it is in, it has to check ALL the Folders withen the game, if you call the Folder names, it just goes to that folder and checks.
In response to Matt3151
A quick way to do this is to go to Build->Preferences and turn off "Automatically set FILE_DIR" option. Then it'll throw up an error which you can go around meticulously fixing.