All righty I am attempting to create a verb that gains certain stats while draining energy over time. Here is the current code:
ki_pow_mod = chakra_mod * 1.5
energy_mod = energy_mod * 0.5
ki_def_mod = ki_def_mod *1.5
energy -= 5
My two questions are: When I try to execute this verb, it comes up with some jibba jabba about infinite loops and shiz. How do I fix that? My 2nd question is, If I were to perfect the coding of this verb, how would I make it so the character using it cannot move while this verb is in use?
May 19 2010, 1:52 pm
May 19 2010, 2:16 pm
It isn't tabbed right, and look up loop_checks (though if this error pops up it's best to modify your code anyways)