May 23 2010, 3:43 pm
So I'm wanting to make interactions between an npc and a target, like say a rebel controlled by a player, if he sees the rebel hence, in view() he will walk towards him and when in range attack. How might I do this?
In response to Koil
I know about view() walk_towards, and etc. I'm asking in specific how might I get it so that it knows when specifically a rebel is in it's view and then act based upon that?
In response to CodeWeasel22
var/mob/rebel/R = locate() in view(src) |
view() to see if the "rebel" is actually visible, walk_towards() to move the player to the "rebel," and finally get_dist() to check how close the player is from the "rebel," where you will then call some sort of attack procedure if the player is close enough to the "rebel."