usr.p1 = new /obj/fish(usr.loc)
src.loc = locate(src.x+1,src.y+0,src.z+0)//how do i get this so i can assign its position to the left of the usr without placing it then moving it?
May 28 2010, 2:05 pm
I'm sorry. I'm trying to manipulate objects assigned to a particular user but i really don't know what im doing. This is how it SHOULD work in my head
May 28 2010, 2:09 pm
Create the object before you assign it to pl.
In response to Warlord Fred
No good.
mob |
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
new /obj/fish(get_step(usr, EAST))
What is this for? The problem is I'm getting a undefined proc on the usr.p1.swim() I can't from the mob make a verb that forces an object (that is assigned to the mobs variable) to move. Like remote control. |
In response to Lilcloudy1
What I wrote is how you create an atom in a specific location relative to another atom (in this case, usr).
You did not specify the type of p1 as /obj/fish, so it gives you an error when you attempt to call swim(). To give the variable a type, declare it like so: mob |