i downloaded the falacy dragon ball and i want to edit my lvl :S how i can make that?
LuKZMb wrote:
i downloaded the falacy dragon ball and i want to edit my lvl :S how i can make that?

You can't.
If you mean you downloaded the host files, I am quite certain that Falacy doesn't allow hosts to edit their "lvl". If you plan on using a memory editor or other illegal means to obtain "edited lvl" then you don't belong here.
If he does allow you to edit your own "lvl" then talk or discuss with him about this matter, since it's his project.

If you mean you downloaded the source, then you shouldn't be here on the developer forums.
In response to Maximus_Alex2003
Memory editors aren't illegal, they're just cheating. If we didn't have access to the memory, then programs wouldn't work.
In response to Warlord Fred
Warlord Fred wrote:
Memory editors aren't illegal, they're just cheating. If we didn't have access to the memory, then programs wouldn't work.

In a technicality, the desired result of not having the ability to "edit your lvl" in his game, makes any form of non-approved alterations by him or his game(since his game doesn't have a "Edit Level" command/verb) pretty much illegal.

Either way, it does not belong on the developer forums.
This is a topic he must discuss with Falacy himself.
LuKZMb wrote:
i downloaded the falacy dragon ball and i want to edit my lvl :S how i can make that?

Well, you see you need to ask him itself.Here!

So : Get a SaveFile Editor from Here and try editing a value. He thinks he s the best programmer in BYOND (to which I don't agree). (whisper: "He thinks he is a god in everything he controls: so go to him with humility or else face the WRATH!")

He probably doesn't guard his saves with md5 encryption,and he should be least bothered as his games are hosted by himself and thus the saves are intact as it is.

Give it a try! though ( I can't guarantee and I am also least bothered to even check)