Basically it will be a "game" that is more like a hub/lobby, it will list my games (that will be made later) and the servers available

I have found that Export and Topic will help with telling the hub/lobby what servers for each game are available but have not yet figured out how to display them, the plan is to only need to update the hub/lobby when I new game needs to be added to the hub/lobby

What I have so far in the communication:


for the games and

if(findtext(T,"RealmAero:") == 1)
else if(findtext(T,"Game2:") == 1)
//Something else

for the hub/lobby

How do I improve this? Can anybody help me code the hub/lobby?
To be honest, I used a MySQL database when I did this.
Every game would put an external IP address in a given table when it started and was ready to be accessible. Instead of having the game lobby query periodically to update the table, I would actually regenerate the list every time someone accesses the list (I have a separate window for servers, and it's shown at a button press), which isn't very often, so it just updates then. It's not the best solution, but it's my favored one.

In addition, I never actually let the games be visible on the hub, I made everyone route through the lobby, however, that was 'cause it was an RPG that requires character reaction.

However, to do it the way you're doing it, you're going to want to set up the topic data more like this:

I feel like this would be better because anyone could name their server whatever, instead of you having the names be restricted and etc.
In response to DivineTraveller
I see where you are going with that, I agree with the server name and with the game visibility part also

How would I change the Topic() proc in the hub/lobby?