i made so that i can only access tabs through the menu and the tab shows up as a pane in the top right,

how can i make it so my verbs show up there? i specifically set the name of it as verb_list_Pane, and an example of one of my verbs:
admin/verb/teleport(mob/M in world)
usr.loc = M.loc

it would be helpful to provide info to me rather than criticism or links to hidden info

The hidden info is all here, you've just got to read it. I notice many of your questions exclude information prevalent to the topic you wish to know about, and some of your parenthesis logic statements are faulty. I see here (ID:751552) that you claim to have read them but it is untrue in the most obvious of forms. No, I do not want to come off as rude. I consider it ignorance, myself included in that I did the same thing, when you are excited to jump into a game and bringing your imagination to life. At some point you will end up having to decide: Do I delve into the guide and reference, or do I give up?