I got another question about save files. (please note i have read the Pitfalls of save files by Lummox.
Now by going off that guide mentioned above it tells you to delete icons overlays etc because they bloat the save file, so i did just that, Deleted them. and have procs inplace which on load grab the info and piece humpty dumpty back together again.
But my .savs are still 32kb (the same in which it would be without removing icons)
for the sake of showing purposes. ill post my code in which enacts this.
Code: The Saver
var/savefile/F = new("Player Saves/[copytext(key,1,2)]/[usr.key]/Slot-1.sav")
F["icon"] << null
F["overlays"] << null
F["underlays"] << null
Code:The Loader
if(fexists("Player Saves/[copytext(key,1,2)]/[usr.key]/Slot-1.sav"))
var/savefile/F = new("Player Saves/[copytext(key,1,2)]/[usr.key]/Slot-1.sav")
world << output("[name]/[key] has successfully logged in", "balog")
Code:The Save (Inbetween)
Affinity = "Cloud"
hair_red = 40
hair_green = 12
hair_type = 1
base_type = 4
save_file_1 = 1
name = "Test"
icon = null
overlays = null
gender = "male"
key = "Midgetbuster"
underlays = null
midgetbuster = object(".0")
type = /mob
name = "Midgetbuster"
gender = "male"
key = "Midgetbuster"
So by looking at that, is there any reason why the non overlay/icon delete and the overlay/icon delete are the same size. i was under the impression it would reduce the size in which saves are.
Help + Thoughts are appreciated