@Ter13: I wasn't trying to be elitist at all. Anyone who knows my attention span knows I'm awful at most of the games I touch. People who play Pokemon generally will either be obsessed with breeding and raising perfect Pokemon or just play for the story and being a badass with their favorite Pokemon. Neither party is wrong in how they play.
I know, I was just poking some good-natured fun. I don't dislike you one bit, so if that came off offensive, know it wasn't my intent.
And yeah, I was a breeder, so I think you are spot-on there. I only sunk as much time as I did into Gen 3 because that's where the pokemon breeding system really got interesting. So many mechanics to juggle to get good pokemon, macho brace, pokerus, leveling to 10 so you could check the IVs of the pokemon before you threw them away, inheriting egg moves, ditto-chains, etc. All way too much fun.
@Ter13: I wasn't trying to be elitist at all. Anyone who knows my attention span knows I'm awful at most of the games I touch. People who play Pokemon generally will either be obsessed with breeding and raising perfect Pokemon or just play for the story and being a badass with their favorite Pokemon. Neither party is wrong in how they play.
@DistantWorld101: So have I(save for B2/W2) and I understand your gripes with it. I was against the whole mega evolution concept when it was announced but it really grew on me when I played the game and got to use them. They fit surprisingly well into gameplay and adds a little more dynamic to battling. I honestly hope that more Pokemon end up with mega evolutions(which is to be expected). I do agree with you in regards to Mewtwo, though.
I think you should give X/Y a chance if you haven't yet. I'm not saying you should go buy it, but if you can ever get a discounted or free copy, give it a try.