Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire have been officially announced and will be released worldwide in November this year. [link].
I'm really excited for this since R/S/E were my favorite Pokemon games by a LONG shot and I've been waiting for this for a couple years! Anybody else hyped?
![]() May 7 2014, 6:18 am
![]() May 7 2014, 6:23 am
Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Stadium is where my best Pokemon memories are from. :) Probably won't buy it though, I don't actually own any modern gaming consoles at all. :/
I ended up getting a 2DS not too long ago for the sole purpose of playing Pokemon and Animal Crossing, haha. The eye-raping 3D feature for an additional $100 wasn't worth it to me.
Oasiscircle wrote:
Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Stadium is where my best Pokemon memories are from. :) Probably won't buy it though, I don't actually own any modern gaming consoles at all. :/ Bro, you can't rep third generation and first generation pokemans. That's like saying, you like Windows AND Mac. You're breaking the rules of the internet. |
Ganite wrote:
Typhlosion for the win. (My favorite pokemon when I watched) The sentiment is shared. Typhlosion is a badass. |
I never beat my Ruby back in the day because I was super under-leveled when I reached the elite four and just gave up.
My experience was exactly the opposite when I played Pokemon Y. Either way, this is very exciting. The 3DS just keeps getting better. |
Secret bases influenced by connecting with friends meet online play. Online play meet secret bases. Yes. Oh yes please. I am so hyped. Plus it's the first, and only generation to get me trying a lot of new Pokemon, and probably still will get me using a pretty fresh team. I still love earlier generations more, but Ruby/Saphire/Emerald were fun.
Also, the original battle frontier with all the attractions... Yes. This will be so fun. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Oasiscircle wrote: Stadium is Gen 2 though. :/ |
Fugsnarf wrote:
I thought Stadium 1 only had Gen 1 Pokemon in it. It did. That's what I thought he meant. However, Gen 2 is permissible. Anything beyond that, and you lose cool points. |
Oasiscircle wrote:
Whoops, my bad. I mixed up Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Colosseum. Colosseum was meh. I would've enjoyed it a lot better of it had simply followed the Stadium format. Instead they made it into an adventure game ( which was unnecessary since we already had the handheld devices for that ). I think they did have one mode though that somewhat resembled what Stadium used to be but ultimately I was kinda disappointed. I didn't want an adventure, I wanted to pick 6 cool pokemans and battle. Y u do dis, nintendo? |
Man, Pokemon was one of the few reasons I was debating getting a 3ds. Got a vita instead, never looked back. But i'll probably pick up a 2ds this summer.
EmpirezTeam wrote:
I don't know guys, I think Delphox is giving Typhlosion a run for his money. Don't be a purist. :P Gen 6 is a much needed refreshment for the franchise. Something Gens 4 and 5 kinda flopped on. |
Please dont hurt Typhlosion with your stick Delphox. Sorry but to me I think Pokemon fell off with there new pokemons all terrible to me.
Solomn Architect wrote:
I personally like Delphox and I don't see why there's anything wrong with that. Because there will always be only one, true stick-wielding Pokeman. ![]() Seriously though, Farfetch'd was the shiznits on Pokemon Fire Red. I think he had a passive or something that made him crit like, 1 out of every 3 attacks. I won so many battles relying on his crit at clutch moments when the rest of my pokemans were dead. He would wipe the floor with stupid Delphox. |