Anyways i decided to start venturing into the realm of Admin granting and other various nefarious verbs.
So anyways i decided a good way of doing it would to possibly make a proc that could be called by the verb to create a list of players after running it through some checks to ensure it was actually a client and not a enemy mob etc etc.
EDIT: I originally had a code here that checks for all clients first inside the actual verb click. thought it didnt work but ran some client tests and it turns out it worked fine. so yeah only question now is how i can run multi checks from a list for my ooc
//incomplete ooc verb raw form without filtering and other tidbits.
mob/verb/OOC(msg as text)//revamp
var/list/AdminCols = list("1337" = "blue","1" = "purple","2" = "#red" ,"3" = "#FFFF33", "0" = "F7E1CB")
if("[ckey] = 1337" in admins) //i cant seem to figure out how to run multiple checks for things i want it to be able to check for "[ckey] = 1","[ckey] = 2" and "[ckey] = 3".
//but all attempts can only read the first check.
world << output("<font color = [AdminCols["[usr.alev]"]]><b>[usr]</b>:</font> [msg]", "OOCO")
world << output("<font color = green><b>[usr]</b>:</font> [msg]", "OOCO")
Any advice on both codes is appreciated.
And thanks for the patience :)
SoL's admins are simply determined by a pre-coded list with theire ckey typed in
But thats just me o_o
Judging by your second bit of code though, I would use this:
Personally, I would prefer to go with the preset standard list idea.