Heya all, (not sure if this belongs in philosophy but it is more of a how to though) so anyway this topic is more of a how would i go about doing something then how would i actually do it.

So i decided i wanted my system to be based on stats and naturally require a weapon at all times (havnt really decided on that fully yet.)

So how would i go about making weapons all run different kinds of checks for weapons. exampling is:
wep quality will give a pre defined boost in damage and then be factored in with the rest of the damage.
Gloves = (quality = 100 + str) etc
short sword = (quality = 20)+(str+agi/2)

etc etc for a number of weps (upwards of 15) each with its own damage calculation.

So any ideas on how i would go about this, Demos, Libraries and dream maker threads welcome.

Define a procedure to get the amount of damage.

For example, lets say that the base damage is 10:
var/weapon_path/weapon = null // Default = no weapon = fist
proc/recalculate_damage(original_damage, /weapon_path/weapon_reference) // Of course, I would pick shorter names
. = src.accuracy/100 * original_damage

. = (src.strength * weapon_reference.quality/100)/100 * original_damage

else // None of the above = treated like a fist
. = damage_reference/(100-src.strength)

. = max(0, round(.))
What is .? It is the default return value. When you have "return" anywhere and/or no return at the end of the procedure, it/there actually is an invisible "return .".

max(0, X) picks the largest number, assuring that the lowest possible value is 0. ex: max(0, 10) = 10, max(0, -10) = 0.
In response to GhostAnime
That switch() statement is very, very bad. Instead, just make a call to some proc for the weapon (call it calc_damage()), and override it for the different types to use different formulas.
In response to Garthor
A, true, true; I totally forgot about over-writing previously defined procedures... you know you haven't been programming in BYOND for a while when this type of thing slips your mind (or it could be due to a lack of sleep at 4:45 AM in the morning... though I think it's really a combination of the two).

In fact, I don't even know why I had the weapon_reference argument, could have used the weapon variable instead >_>'
var/weapon_path/weapon_var = null // Default = no weapon = fist
proc/recalculate_damage(original_damage) // Of course, I would pick shorter names
var/new_damage = 0
if(!src.weapon_var) // If there's no weapons attached, meaning all you have is just your fist
new_damage = damage_reference/(100-src.strength)
new_damage = round(weapon_var.calculate_damage(original_damage))
return max(0, new_damage)

CRASH("h oh, looks like someone forgot to redefine the calculate_damage on [src.type]"

return (src.accuracy/100 * original_damage)

. = (src.strength * weapon_reference.quality/100)/100 * original_damage

return (9000 + original_damage) // It's over 9,000!

Edit: Thanks for the reminder Garthor and you're welcome Midgetbuster
In response to GhostAnime
Arr. i thought it was something along those lines but i was WAY off.

Thanks garthor and ghost.