Ive been struggling with this for a while How can I make A perfect clone that has your exact stats and such And control it by going into it and attacking I know 3 key elements
I dont want to use this to control actual players just a clone of your self is all Please help >_<
ALSO the problems Ive had in the past with Client.mob control is Bringing you to loading screen Logs out old mob Blank Statpanel No inventory panel which gets annoying ive come in the past with these problems and while ppl did make attempts to help I did try but to no avail I even tried making and alternate to Client.mob
mob/var/Currentmob = /mob
Im afraid that failed as well and if your gonna ask why do I need client.mob if its just a clone the point is to fight in the clone while ur original mob is somewhere safe also the Clones all have different abilities and moves
I also need a way to make it so it returns to the ORIGINAL mob/body if ur clone dies in battle Sorry for the long message but its been weeks to a month now that im struggling with one System >_<
The clones im making are yourself but with extra abilities you wouldnt have on your own so switch into the clone mob with the verbs/abilities please and thanks for all that will help
![]() Jul 22 2010, 9:38 pm (Edited on Jul 22 2010, 9:49 pm)
GhostAnime wrote:
To make a perfect clone, you need to know about genetics, electronics, neurology (making sure your clone can think like you) and much more. So yeah, making a perfect clone is a huge pain in the butt. /Clone As for the key three elements: Right it is Naruto related im trying to make the 6 paths of pein so im guessing there isnt really an alternative to client.mob for full mob control jutsus coming from it and such Ill see what i can do but thank you greatly for the help I think I got an idea of what to do now Just gotta figure out a way to keep the old mob from logging out if possible |
As mentioned in my long post, the reason why you are logging out is because you are changing the client.mob, causing Logout() to be called on your old /mob and Login() on your new /mob
I have a system which use client.mob for mob switching which is causing the old mob to logout so what can I do to logout to make sure when your in a certain mode you cant logout regardless?
also not sure if the would cause the client.mob = M switch to not work but meh |
Changing the mob of a client calls Logout() on the current mob and Login() on the new one. The DM Reference(F1 in Dream Maker) explains at the bottom of the entries for both procedures how to differentiate between a mob switch and an actual join/quit.
Kaiochao wrote:
Changing the mob of a client calls Logout() on the current mob and Login() on the new one. The DM Reference(F1 in Dream Maker) explains at the bottom of the entries for both procedures how to differentiate between a mob switch and an actual join/quit. "Default action: None. One may wish to distinguish between a player who has disconnected from the game and one who is simply switching from one mob to another. In the case of a player switching to another mob, by the time Logout() is called, the original mob's key will be null, whereas the key will still be non-null in the case of a player disconnecting from the game." yes but what would I have to set my key to in order to accomplish that in other words how could I make the key non-null just typing usr.key=non-null wont work or do I have to make a var for non? |
Did you even read my post ([link])? I mentioned a method of how to do so. And I mean read, as in actually reading every line, not skimming through.
But BYONDwise, it is rather simple. Lets say you have a special path where only clones can be defined under, for example, /Clones (with the parent_type =/mob) or even just /mob/Clones.
Define New() for this special path. Make sure you define the argument to be who you want to clone. Use this procedure to define whatever variables you need to. For example:
As for the key three elements:
- client.mob will switch the mob that you control. This means Logout() is called on your old /mob and Login() in the new one. A person can save while being this mob and become a /mob/Clone path, something you want to avoid.
- client.perspective & client.eye can be manipulated to show how much and what you see as the center of the map, respectively.
* Now assume you have at least than two clones, how do you want to control them all? One at a time or all amass against someone?
Personally, if it was a one-clone control type of thing, I would have it that I wouldn't touch the client.mob at all. In fact, all I will do is:
- change the eye to the clone
- define under client/Move() that if the eye is not equal to the client.mob, to Move() that mob (via client.eye variable)
- Click() an enemy to attack (though I suppose you can give the clone a copy of your techniques)
- When the clone dies, the body is deleted. While this happens, the client.eye is returned back to the original body (via client.mob reference)
- When the original /mob dies, the clone dies as well, causing what I said previously.
- Have it some way to return to your original body while your clone attacks perhaps?
This type of system is like a Yamanaka body-takeover really, hence the last point. Otherwise it'll be extremely easy for the enemy to kill your original body and the clone body you were fighting with and spent so much time making becomes utterly useless.