Hello fellow Byond members, I am here to acquire some information about how to code a projectile attack for a character with a damage system I looked through all the libraries but most didnt have the coding that i wanted to work. (the others were pixel based so thats why i said most)
I had an interest with one library that displayed 3 types of attacking and that was homing, area, and straight, but that library didnt have a damage system attached to it, nor was the area based coding worked. (from my experience area based is something that covers you completely or covers like twice the area around you. What I am asking is how do I make a projectile attack (like homing, area, and straight) with a damage proc from hitting a enemy with it?

P.S. Um can you explain everything to me also. also if this was a noobish question I am sorry its just I needed help and I didnt kno where else to turn.
I find this one perfectly fine if you don't know where to start.
In response to Darkjohn66
thank you, but it doesnt have an area attack like so,
you know how u have that energy ball and u shoot it, ok you know how when u use a move it surrounds you? like it covers all 9 tiles up and attacks everyone in side it besides your self. those kind of attacks there called area attacks. thats what i was mainly looking for.