So, it seems there's a lot of complex processes involving the RGB values and palettes of icons. I had an interesting idea recently, but I don't have a clue about that stuff, so I was wondering...
Is it possible to use an icon proc to invert the colors of icons?
Aug 9 2010, 5:10 am
In response to Ripiz
Accidentally posted this on my b rother's key, but mind elaborating?
In response to JustinP231
You need to 'read' each pixel, invert color and 'write' it back. 'Read' with GetPixel(), then convert HTML to RGB format (there's post on forums somewhere how to do that), invert color and 'write' it back using DrawBox()
In response to Ripiz
I see.... I think...
In response to Ripiz
Ripiz wrote:
You need to 'read' each pixel, invert color and 'write' it back. 'Read' with GetPixel(), then convert HTML to RGB format (there's post on forums somewhere how to do that), invert color and 'write' it back using DrawBox() Woah, no, you do not need to do that. You'd use MapColors() for this. Specifically: MapColors(-1,0,0, 0,-1,0, 0,0,-1, 1,1,1) |