My family has privately owned and operated a fireworks stand for the past 7 or 8 years… and last year they passed it off to me. So yeah—I’m running the stand again this year, and needless to say I’m pretty much there selling explosives 24/7. I’ll be back online next week!
For now, I want to give a short response to this thread on the BYOND forums, because it was directed at me: <a href=" index.cgi?action=message_read&id=362724&forum=1&view=0
">Zoltor's post
I’ve said all of this before, but here we go again. BYOND is a hobby for me. I’m really happy that people enjoy my games, and it’s exciting to know that they look forward to new releases. That said, I don’t feel as if I owe anything to anyone just because they play my games.
I’m not going to list all of the reasons why I didn’t finish the DWO 1.90. It was a huge project-- ask anyone who played it back when we were private testing. Basically, as Deadron pointed out in that forum thread: a game like that is a tremendous undertaking, especially for one person.
I promised release dates that I couldn’t live up to, because “real life” interfered. I’m busy with college, friends, work… everything that every other game developer on BYOND is busy with. The thing is, BYOND developers can’t make a living off of the games that they create, and therefore they can’t spend all of their time making them.
I’m sorry that people are disappointed about DWO. I hate not finishing what I start, but it just got to the point where I had to say “enough.” And although DWO is cancelled, everything that I learned from working on it will help me immensely with my upcoming games.
I know that the majority of people don’t think the same way that Zoltor does, so I’m not really worried about it. If you're so sick and tired of waiting on my release dates or playing games made by someone who is so “dishonorable,” then you are more than welcome to never play my games again.
Jun 30 2005, 10:05 am
My family has privately owned and operated a fireworks stand for the past 7 or 8 years… and last year they passed it off to me. So yeah—I’m running the stand again this year, and needless to say I’m pretty much there selling explosives 24/7. Now that's what I call a summer job! When you have a chance, you should post a list of the fireworks with the stupidest names. I've seen a lot of them, though the only one that comes to mind right now is "Star Ball Contribution." I remember another one called "Halley's Comet" -- which isn't a stupid name, but it tipped over after being lit, and fired flaming balls into the group of family and friends that had gathered to watch. Good stuff! |
What the hell is Zoltor even talking about anyways? "Wasted space" MY ASS!
People STILL host DWO, as well, people STILL download DWO and play it single player. What a freaking moron. I want to pour some milk on that kid and eat him for my morning breakfast. ...GET OFF MY BACK! I LIKE TO EAT PEOPLE! SO WHAT WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?! |
People keep missing the point, everey thing you listed, Is reason to "delay" the game, wich I have no problem with, but you completely canceled It. Yea, I'm sure you had more then enough reasons to "delay" DWO, I'm not doubted that.
You need to work, and yes you're allowed to have a life. I heard from someone, your code files got lost, I hope that's not the case, becoese that would mean you're the worst coder/game developer In the world (not keeping backup copies). Provideing you are brighter then that, wich I do beleive you are, the only reason to Cancel the game, Is that you got bored with the code It self. If that being the case, It's a shame people had more respect for your creation, then you. PS. I'm not some kid on Byond, I live alone, and I need to work long hours to survive, but the fact Is, If you, I, and anybody else has time to write posts, and do other things, then logic dictakes, that we are able to find some time. One of the things I learned In my life, Is people will alway say they have less time then they do, hell we all do that, It's a good, easy excuse (Meaning: I'm sure, If you really wanted to work on DWO, you could've found an hour a day, or even alittle time to work on It, one day a month) Note: I was never mad about delaying or stuff, you need to work, and by god, yes have a life, but you make little sense. Evereything you siad Is grounds for delaying, not canceling, you just got tired of working on the DWO code, so you canceled, where any developer who has atleast some respect for their creation, would've just delayed. By the way, I'm not biased to the matter, after all, I doubt you even read my post to your GM curse post(I rather enjoyed reading It), so I'm just telling It how It Is, and you really can't expect people to be too happy about It eather. I like to put the next statement down agian In all bold, becoese people are missing, what I'm saying, Silk lovers, just seem to be verey biased, so I'll put It up clearer. Yes, you dont make money on Byond, so you need to work. Yes you're allowed to hangout with friends, and stuff(Haveing a life). Collage, yes collage takes alot of time(I went to collage, key word Is, takes alot of time= not all time. I know this, becoese I too went to collage, we use collage as an excuse to not be bothered spending time doing things that we don't want to do, but hey, I don't need to tell you that,do I). As my reason for saying, Silk lovers are biased, they read only what they want to hear, and reply that way, like I bet, when people reply to this, they'll miss the point, that I'm mad becoese It should've been delayed more, instead of canceled/thrown In the trash. Okay, lets play your way, lets say you, for some dumb reason, really felt, not haveing time, was grounds for canceling, not delaying. Whith that being a verey ilogical reason for cancelation of DWO, instead of just more delaying, then how could you have time to work on another game. Maybe, I would be more understanding, If you would not lie about It, that's why I'm verey agitated with you silk, not just becoese you canceled, what could've been a really great game, but becoese your reasons don't add up. As you siad, people still dl DWO, but come on, answer me this, If It's still as liked as before, then why are there barely more then 3 people on a server? There used to be around 40 people on the server, around the clock. |
Sence I myself have been coding a DW game. One that will probaly not come close to DWO 1.9. I see many of the hardships Silk has to go through. It's alot of work to make a game. When you get stuck with bugs or code set backs it ruins your motivation. And, why work on a game that doesn't bring you pleasure anymore.
Your argument makes no sense for a "collage" educated person such as yourself.
You've said that DWO is wasted space on BYOND. It doesn't take a "Silk lover" to tell you that when one sees a game actively being played and hosted, that it's hub entry does NOT constitute as wasted space. So how does a broken hard drive on a computer make Silk the worse coder and game developer alive? I really don't get that...You don't even know the situation. What if Silk's PC had an A drive that didn't function, no connection to the internet, and no CD burner? How then would he save copies of his source, hmm?'re not considering VARIABLES you are just making blatant assumptions and accusations. Now I'm not saying that is the case when it comes to his PC, but I will say that you have no right to judge him when you have no idea of the circumstances. You are merely trying to destroy the man's credibility, but in reality of course you're just showing yourself as a bitter asshole who likes to instigate trouble. |
Ah, players. God they suck. Work your ass off for them and they will bitch you aren't dead yet. The sense of entitlement that so many have blows my mind.
Hey Zoltor, Silk doesn't owe you (or anybody) his time programming anything. If he wants to put together a project then cancel it, it his deal. You don't like his reason? Tough- it ain't your baby. I can understand being disappointed but jeeze.... You would think their would be some gratitude for the hours of uncompensated labor you pour into this stuff. |
"Ah, players. God they suck. Work your ass off for them and they will bitch you aren't dead yet."
Why do you think I haven't actually produced a 'real' game? And Zoltor, if you want Silk to finish, start paying him to finish, otherwise he has no obligation to finish. It is still actively played, so it is not a waste of space. |
Well, If he Is gonna cancel projects, Byond doesen't need someone like that. It's becoese of people like silk, not willing to finnish a game, that makes Byond a more then less great site. And anyone who doese any kind of work on a comp, know to make backups often, just incase their comp goes down.
PS. The fact Is he canceled becoese he had no more devotion/love for his creation, but yet he tells evereyone bullshit lies, like I have "Zero time". Like I siad, If any of his reasons were true, he would've delayed, not canceled(There Is a big differance between delaying, and canceling. And you know what, okay, Silk really doesen't owe anybody anything, but doesen't he owe himself? Byond need more devoted developers, as of now, I can only name one, out of the entire Byond community, and there Is only one or two complete(Non text) games on Byond(Now that's sad). Out of hundreds of games, only one or two complete. |
Couldn't you just let this die? Good heavens man. It's one thing to feel upset/angry/whatever but this horse needs to rest in peace.
I've been wanting to see a full version of DWO since the first day I came to Byond (which, incidentally, drew me in with the hopes of wanting to make my own DWO until I found out Silk got to it first). For years I would've loved to see a multiplayer version of the series and hung around because what he said he wanted for the game was EXACTLY the way I had envisioned it be since not long after I first got the cartridge of DW3. Ignoring the fact that I couldn't help with the game's production, it was in all ways my "net dream" as it was his. Did it bother me that eventually it was dropped? Fuck yes. The other Byond DW fangames I've seen around, no matter how long they were worked on, and no matter how long I spent on them, didn't feel the same. They felt like different games with placeholder graphics. If anything, Byond doesn't need people who overly badger developers who drop a game due to lack of interest/no time/any other factor. A game doesn't have to be "finished" to still be entertaining. Proelium's been around, and isn't truly finished just yet either. |
I agree with you Sarm, I would've dropped It along time ago, If certian people(not silk) didn't start curseing me out, and such,"cough tactics". I meant my initial "Blog statement to Byond rank are lame, be just that, a single closed statement on DWO, about there being no real reason to acually cancel It, but just delay It. I never meant It, to end up a flame war.
Just It seems that a few of Silks followers get verey mad, and out of control, when someone thinks low of silk. I have a legit reason to not care about silk, and I just made a statement to one of his blogs. Also my initial developer forum post had nothing to do with bashing silk, or even talking about him, It had to do with clearing canceled, and/or rip off games from the hub entries. Tactics turnes my words around, and posting as If I were dirrecting It dirrectly at silk. PS. Before Tactic posts to this, and says I'm calling DWO a rip(I siad "or" a rip If Tactics or someone posts wrongly to this, I wont reply, as you can imagine these long ass posts, take up too much of my time. |
I reread what Tactics posted, but he didn't say that you called DWO a rip. He called it a clone, but in the sense that DWO was to play and feel like it was really right out of the series (as it was supposed to be).
Yes, I did get mad when you expressed your opinion of Silk, but I did so because I felt it was an unfair thing to say. :-/ I won't know if the original Byond forum thread was really about it or not, though you say it wasn't your intent. I admit that it's just as much my fault if anything for escalating it, and while your initial statement of getting rid of true rip hub entries would be nice (feasible or not), please understand that from my point of view it looked as though you had an ulterior motive, hence why I commented with "singling people out". However, I was being too aggresive in that thread. While I can't take back how I feel, I apologize for calling you a moron. |
Sarm, no I meant, If he was to reply to my post I made before this one, seeing how tactics would read"It had to do with clearing canceled, and/or rip off games from the hub entries. Tactics turnes my words around, and posting as If I were dirrecting It dirrectly at silk." he would not see the word or, In that sentance, and then say I'm calling DWO a rip.
PS. It wasn't my intention to blaim silk for all the developers doing what he did, I was useing a descriptive turm, that's all,a few people didn't read the one sentence right, and thought the post was dirrected at Silk. The Byond admins them selvs based the warning of the day after Silk. I'm sorry If you all took my forum post wrong, but It's commonly calling, pulling a silkwizard. I wasn't pointing them to Silk. PS. It's okay, I'm sorry people saw the word Silk, and not the full sentance. Just to be clear, this post was meant to clear stuff up, like why I posted that before Tactic says I'm calling It a rip, statement(It's nothing to do with the forum post, you misunderstood), not to argue. |
I don't have any problem with you not liking Silk, my problem is that you think BYOND would be better off without people who cancel projects. I don't think BYOND would be better of without Kunark, but apparently you do since he doesn't have time to work on Playing with Roses. I don't think BYOND would be better off without Leftley because he doesn't like what Lode Wars has become.
Despite what you may think, if Silk cancelled it because he didn't have time, it means exactly that. Sure, he could set aside an hour a week or whatever, but that hour was reserved for something else before. Class work, sleep, playing with himself, doesn't matter what it is, it's obviously more important to him to do it. I'd like to play more Crystalis, but apparently not as much as I'd like to argue with you among other things. =P Why you want to get rid of the hub entry is completely beyond me. There's a playable game there that some people obviously like, but you would like to deny them a chance to play it because it won't be updated anymore. The idea behind this is that this is a punishment for Silk because he's got better things to do, some of which are working on more BYOND games... >.> Sorry, but it just looks like you're being a spoiled brat because you didn't get your way. |
Pulling a silkwizard? Puhleez. As if Silk was the first person to ever cancel a project. If anything, it should be called Pulling a Dan. :P
And screw you, Zoltor. You have no understanding of the process of game development. You would never have made such statements if you did. You can't just sit down in front of your computer and type code for a productive hour a day. Heck, some people need an hour just to get into the zone. I like a nice window of 3 to 5 hours for a decent run, myself, but even eternity isn't enough if you can't get into doing it. Yes, programmers, like sports athletes and musicians and all artists, have a zone. It's the mindset you get into at your peak performance, a sort of super-focus that enables you to accomplish the work more fluidly, and with greater skill. If you're distracted while coding, it may take upwards of 15 minutes just to get back into it. Too many distractions can kill your eagerness to program. Then there's the whole motivation factor. Silk doesn't seem like the sort to suffer from lack of motivation, but even the spunkiest people run out of gas. When just looking at the thing makes you wretch, it's time to put it down. Forcing youself to go on and work on a thing you're no longer motivated to work on will only result in poor craftsmanship. That's usually refered to as being "burned out". It happens to everyone at some point in their life. When the passion to act dies, and you begin to regret it, loathe it even. You've become burnt out on the project, and it may be a cold day in hell before you get that spark back. Trying to work through this is probably not a good idea. You'll end up with a crapload of crap because the whole mess doesn't have the same feel to it anymore. Your players won't thank you for that, I assure you. Then there's the whole argument about DWO being Silk's game, not yours, and you can cry about it being unfair until the cows turn blue and migrate south for the baseball season. If Silk wants to make a game, make it popular, make it great and loved only to pull it away just when we can't get enough for no other reason than to upset a whole bunch of kids, it's his game, he can do that. If you don't like it, as he suggested, you're welcome not to play his games. He's not doing that, though. You can still play DWO, it's just reached its end, that is all. Oh, and it's spelled "college". Where did you go, Hick University? ~X |
Thank you very much to everyone who replied! All of you took the words right out of my mouth, and I appreciate the support.
To Zoltor: Just calm down dude. Hopefully you've decided to let the whole thing go. |
i think the problem here, as you have addressed, is that "Zoltor" (apparently) has no idea what it takes to complete a project so immense, ESPECIALLY one that:
1. is expected so much of
2. is supposed to be a "clone" (you know what i mean) of another game, worked on by an entire team of developers (dragon warriors 1-4)
3. has SO much room for bugs that can ruin the entire game, whether lag-wise, or otherwise
I am a (small, but important) part of the team currently working on dw:soe2, which, (with any luck) will even come CLOSE to living up to the dwo1.90/silkwizard standard for creating a dragon warrior game. with that said, i must also say that THIS SHIT IS GOD DAMNED HARD, MR. ZOLTOR, AND ANY OTHER ASS HOLE WHO WANTS TO SPOUT OF IN SUCH AN OBNOXIOUS AND ILL-INFORMED MANNER. I mean, jesus christ, GET OVER IT. it seems all fun-and-games, especially when initially shooting off ideas for a massive dragon warrior game, but i'll be damned if it isn't damn near impossible to stay motivated through the *terribly long and grueling process* of actually making the game "publishable".
in short, dwo1.90 *will* (of course) be missed, but i want you to know, silk, that there *are plenty of people* that understand the hardships of trying to create such a game.
that is all.
oh, and fuck you zoltor.