I'm kind of confused as to how to do this. I was thinking winset but just confused myself yet again...

Can anyone tell me how to have the HUD outside the map?

I have a label just under the map with "Health,Chakra,Stamina"
and I want a metre beside each one. I already know how to have each one update, I just want to know how to place it outside the map.

Thank you in advance
TheDarkJak wrote:
I have a label just under the map with "Health,Chakra,Stamina"
and I want a metre beside each one. I already know how to have each one update, I just want to know how to place it outside the map.

What you probably want is the bar control.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
i know this thread is a bit outdated but 1. how do you make the bars for health, chakra and stamina advance and change based on gameplay, and 2. what is the bar control and how do you access it?? xS
In response to Jamesy577
I would like to congratulate you on your use of the forum search :)

The skin reference should tell you all you need to know on how to utilize the interface controls. If not you can reference Lummox's skin tutorial here.