When I'm creating a map, and i have a tile/turf (water, for example) that takes up the entire 32x32, with no extra space. and i want to put another tile over it that does not take up all of the space for the tile, and i want to put that tile over the full-space tile, the full space tile gets deleted and the not-full-space tile takes its place entirely. how do i get it so that i can put the non-full-space tile over the full-space tile without deleting it? this has been really annoying. can someone answer my question?
i used to create byond games years ago, and i never had this problem. this must be something that byond changed while i've been gone.
thanks for reading, and please assist.
Nov 2 2010, 5:20 pm
if anyone else has this 'problem', i found my answer here: