How would I use text2file() to store on a clients computer rather than the hosts? I've looked through fcopy(), ftp(), etc. and cannot seem to find anything useful. Help?
The only type of file you can save on the client's computer without their confirmation first is a client-side savefile. ftp() will let the player download the file, but only after confirming it and selecting a destination.
In response to Nadrew
Right. I'm looking to use ftp() to request access, but it can't determine that there is a file.

usr << ftp(text2file("text","file.txt"))

Is there a way to produce this ^ effect.
In response to CauTi0N
text2file() appends text to the named file and returns 1 on success, 0 on fail.
ftp() requires a file object as its first argument.

If you are trying to modify a prexisting file on the client's computer, look up Export and Import (client)
In response to Murrawhip
Ghtry actually assisted me with this, and the answer was fairly simple. Instead of text2file(), simply using file() and then sending information to it allows for the ftp() of the file as well.