if i am correct there x and y on a map meaning the hight and with so to say and the Z is how manly floor my question is how do u make it so u can walking into a build and get from z1 to z2 in ame and out game is there a tutoral on this
This can easily be done by using the <small>locate()</small> proc.


src.loc = locate(1,1,2) // 2 = second z

And if you want to send a mob there once they enter the turf, you could use the turfs <small>Entered()</small> proc.
In response to DarkeWarrior
okay i not quite getting it enought it might be a lot simpler than i think it is so i have to pick 1 location on z1 that turf would take that mob to z 2 correct
In response to Jamesy577
It's really quite simple to grasp. I'll show small demo on how to do it.

M.loc = locate(1,1,2) // (1 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z)
In response to DarkeWarrior
i understand the coding okay it just i don't know how to get to that loction when i am looking at the map in DM it wont let me get to Z2?
In response to Jamesy577

Excuse the typo's and crappy font, I was in sort of a rush.
In response to DarkeWarrior
i know i am quite slow thxs for helping me out
In response to Jamesy577
okay i can get back and four on the map but how do i define this coding to a sertan turf i tryed adding

icon = 'Leaf village building.dmi@
staue_icon = "entrance"

but it didn't work
In response to Jamesy577
Solution-Chapter 3

but seeing as you wont read it, it is icon_state not staue_icon

and also u need '' not '@
In response to Rapmaster
icon_state is what i meant i was rushing i did it right when i was doing the coding
In response to Jamesy577
i not trying to like piss u off and not read it i have red the way it's explain confuses me and it doesn't tell u how to go up and down on levels of the map
In response to Jamesy577
look in chapter 14...

im not trying to be one of those guys who annoy you by giving you that link but trust me if you do stick to coding you will wish you had learnt the right way because you will do stupid codes that take a whole page, then find something in the guide that could have condensed it down to like 5 lines let alone making it alot more versatile and usefull.

Up to you really, im speaking from experience here by the way.. i myself am having to go through the guide and unlearn some of the bad practices i picked up looking at junk.

In response to Rapmaster
no i understand wear ur comign from and i would like to use the guide but i can't understand the way it explains things it may because i am dysexsic, so i normally have to do thing the hard way before i can make them be easy i will have another try at the guide thouge
In response to Jamesy577
i had i look thourgh 14 and i found the upstairs and down stairs one witch is close to what i need but i don't under stand it much at all

var/dest = LocateInLevel(/turf/upstairs,z+1)
var/dest = LocateInLevel(/turf/downstairs,z-1)

but i wont know how to change to and entrance this is what i got so far but not from this

icon = 'Baseic Leaf Village Building.dmi'
icon_state = "Entarnce"
M.loc = locate(1,1,2)
In response to DarkeWarrior
You should not be relocating them directly like that. Use the Move() proc. Otherwise, you could relocate them onto a dense turf. Also, you should learn about tags, and use them in the locate() proc instead of coordinates.
In response to Spunky_Girl
by tags do u mean tagging turf so when u walk on it, or enter some where if tagged it will take u there. That is what i would perfer
In response to Jamesy577
tag is a variable used to identify objects through the locate() proc. When used in such a manner as I have described, you may use them as a "tele-pad reference".