well i tryed to use this coding to get it but i am not sure how it works but what i want is so the icon that i have made to summon somthing to apperer then a clone of my self 2 apper is this what i would need to base it from and can some oine plz eplaine it to me

var/const/init_icon = 'doppel.dmi'
icon = init_icon

set src in view()
icon = usr.icon
set src in view()
icon = init_icon

I would help you, but I'm afraid I do not understand your terrible English :\
In response to Spunky_Girl
He is dyslexic(sp)

Ill post what i think you need a bit later jamesy unless i am beaten too it.Kinda busy ill edit this post when its done.
In response to Carnage Productions
To me, I read to clearly. He wants to create a complete clone of the mob using the verb.

As in cloning the mob's overlays, and or whatever.
In response to Neimo
He said he wanted to summon something, then summon a clone of himself, yet the topic says "making a clone", so I do not see how summoning something before the clone has any relevance to what he wants, and in turn, I am confused as to what he really wants.
In response to Spunky_Girl
I reread the post, it appears he is saying he wants the <small>doppleganger</small> to summon(create) a clone of himself.
In response to Neimo
Okay... Then for starters, NPCs have no business being an obj. They should be mobs. And making a clone of oneself is a simple thing to program in DM.

Create a new mob instance, and set its icon and overlays/underlays variables to the same of that of its "summoner" (as the OP would probably refer to it as) and then Move() it to where you would like to be summoned, relative to its summoner.
In response to Spunky_Girl
i understnad why u got confuse basicaly what i got is an that make a puff of smoke i want the to appernthen then when the animation is finshed a clone of my self to apper
In response to Jamesy577
Just make a new mob instance to act as the clone, Move() it to where you want it to appear, then flick() their icon_state to a "puff of smoke".
In response to Spunky_Girl
umm i not sure how how to get the mob icon to be the same i have got

set icon as

i tryed usr but nothing and i not sure what i would use after move() where is move() in the refernce and i am geussing FLick()
icon = 'Baseic move .dmi
icon_state = "Puff"

In response to Jamesy577
If you do not know what a particular built-in proc or variable is, look it up in the reference via F1 in DM or the reference on this website. You seem to be stuck on how to change the icons of things, so I must recommend you read the DM Guide from chapter 1 and on. I also recommend learning the English language a bit better for communication's sake. It took me considerable effort to decipher (yes, decipher) what you were trying to say.
In response to Spunky_Girl
well the i thouge move() works was well off i don't understand how it can be used to place a new obj/NPC all i can comrehend of it that it changes the way they tend to move ???
In response to Jamesy577
Move() relocates whatever movable object you're trying to move. Whether it's one step away, to another z-level, or to the other side of the map.
In response to Spunky_Girl
Is this more legible english for you?? exactly i thought as much. If it was so hard to understand that you had to "decipher" it then your reading skills are much worse than my mastery of the english language. In other words, what I want the animation to be is: 'a puff of smoke followed by the appearance if a clone' as if it was summoned by the usr through smoke, the icons of which are already sorted, I just need to know whether the Move() verb is relevant and if so where in my code I can use it???? any halp much appreciated!!!
In response to Jamesy577
Jamesy577 wrote:
Is this more legible english for you?? exactly i thought as much. If it was so hard to understand that you had to "decipher" it then your reading skills are much worse than my mastery of the english language. In other words, what I want the animation to be is: 'a puff of smoke followed by the appearance if a clone' as if it was summoned by the usr through smoke, the icons of which are already sorted, I just need to know whether the Move() verb is relevant and if so where in my code I can use it???? any halp much appreciated!!!

When someone is asking for help it is nearly impossible to actually provide it when you have no idea what they are asking. You are obviously able to use better grammar and punctuation that in the first couple posts, so people shouldn't have to decipher that much of a mess.

If you want the puff of smoke to be an effect where the mob is appearing, a smoke object that deletes itself after a certain amount of time would work.
In response to Xioden
Ok makes sense. 1) how do you set a time limit on objects appearing and disappearing and how would that object then 2) transform into a clone of the usr. 3) To be honest, I'm a little sketchy on the structure needed for this strand of coding and, if this is a little better explained, any more help is greatly appreciated!!
In response to Jamesy577
Wow, I must commend you on your sudden big improvement with the English language. I just find it amazing how you were able to type like this the entire time, yet somehow didn't feel the need to until now.


There is no need for you to create a whole new object for one effect like that. When your create the clone object, just Flick() its icon_state to the "puff of smoke". The "puff of smoke" must be within the same icon file as the icon for your clone.
var/mob/m = new /mob/npc/clone(null)
m.icon = usr.icon
m.overlays = usr.overlays
m.underlays = usr.underlays
m.Move(get_step(usr,usr.dir)) //move the clone to in front of the usr
Flick(m,"puff of smoke") //do the "puff of smoke" effect
In response to Spunky_Girl
The reason I didn't think my spelling had to be good is because I honestly didn't think that someone who was meant to help me on a help forum would be so judgemental!!! and where you have written "puff of smoke" is that meant to refer to an icon file? Or do I need to create something that is an effect i.e the 'Puff of smoke', mainly because the creation animation of the clone including the puff of smoke is already in one movement icon file, already seamlessly put together. All I need is how to implement the icon file for the creation of a clone into my coding strand as a transition between the verb of making a clone and the clone actually appearing and acting like an NPC. If all this still doesn't make sense then feel free to question, and just to add an example would be better than an explanation.. Thanks!!
In response to Spunky_Girl
Spunky_Girl wrote:
Wow, I must commend you on your sudden big improvement with the English language. I just find it amazing how you were able to type like this the entire time, yet somehow didn't feel the need to until now.


There is no need for you to create a whole new object for one effect like that. When your create the clone object, just Flick() its icon_state to the "puff of smoke". The "puff of smoke" must be within the same icon file as the icon for your clone.
> var/mob/m = new /mob/npc/clone(null)
> m.icon = usr.icon
> m.overlays = usr.overlays
> m.underlays = usr.underlays
> m.Move(get_step(usr,usr.dir)) //move the clone to in front of the usr
> Flick(m,"puff of smoke") //do the "puff of smoke" effect

You have abused the flick procedure I suggest you look it up in the reference.
In response to Darker Legends
Oh, sorry. I seemed to have misspelled it >_> and got the arguments backwards haha

flick("puff of smoke",m)

My bad ^.^ And it seems to even be able to flick to an entirely different icon file. Cool. For some reason, I didn't remember it doing that... o.O Oh well

If you want ANY sort of help, you should ALWAYS make your communication with those you are asking help from, as clear and descriptive as possible. Typing like a delinquent without a first grade education is doing no such thing.

Also, if you are not familiar with the new proc, Move proc, or flick proc, please look them up in the reference.
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