I'm trying to add Balance to my game, like a usr walking on a thin line. How to I make it so you tilt back and forth and you have to use the arrows to keep him balanced???
One way would be to have a proc run and stop your movements and change it to the arrow and have it randomly step west and east and you just press left or right to alter it???
In response to XxJessiexX
how would I do that in small pixel formats
In response to Isenggard
Does anyone at all know anything of what I'm trying to do and how to do it??? O.o at least a lead on how I would doit
In response to Isenggard
You could simply use Turn() on the usr's icon.
have a mob/var/balance = 0, and whenever the usr walks on a tight rope, have a proc that accelerates towards the usr's balance,
var/balance = 0
var/speed = 0
var/icon/original_icon = icon
if(balance>0) speed ++
if(balance<0) speed --
balance += speed
icon = Turn(original_icon,balance) // The visual effects!
if(balance>45||balance<-45) usr << "You slip and fall into the dark abyss below, where the ancient hydras split your limbs apart as they are showered with your blood. Shortly thereafter, the great dark lord Lummox JR approaches your still-moving severed head and whisper, 'Owned,' as you slip away from this reality into a dark, silent and cold one."
// Have hotkeys assigned to "speed ++" and "speed --"

You'd also want to use a bit of trigonometry to make the feet look fixed in place when Turn()ing usr.icon; that is, have your FEET as the 'visual' axis, instead of having your belly as the axis.
It's 5:00am here, and I'm not going to calculate that for you at the moment.