Okie, for the following thread everything is based on "chatting".
Alright so when your in the interface editor and you can set a command. if you don't type anything into the "text box" and hit enter the dialogue box still pops up. if you use
mob/verb/OOC(t as text)
if(!t) return
world << "[t]"
//most basic and most pointless ooc their is. but its for examples sake.
As most people know a simple bypass for it is to place this into the command line of the interface.
and voolah no annoying popup if you didnt enter any text
But i want players to be able to simply change between "chat types" with a click of a button above the input.
but my problem is it doesnt seem to want to change and allow the same functions.. so any ideas?
ive tried.
.winset "default_input.command=Say
.winset "default_input.command=Say"
Both with the same results. i know its something simple i bet but yea..
Just a thought.