well basically my understnading of the flick() is that it makes a mob so to say change icon for how ever long the animation is but I want to make it so the icon of the mob stays there and the flick() icon overlays it. I had a look at the reference but there's only one explination on
flick(). anything will help
![]() Dec 12 2010, 7:32 am
what i mean is flick lets you chage the icon of somthing, well i want it leave the old icon there and put a new icon on top of it. The reson is because i have that puff of smoke that clears and when it starts to clear there is nothing in the opening.
Did you ever set the icon of the clone being created? The flick() proc may only be used to display a different icon for the duration of the flick'd icon's animation. That's all it is used for.
He wants to know how to make a clone appear with a puff of smoke, but he wants the smoke to be overlayed over the clone when the clone is created.
The answer is: use an overlay, of course. Create a blank overlay called 'smoke' and flick the smoke state onto it. When you're done with it, you can just delete the overlay. |
i can't understand what mean i made the Flick a Blank icon then try it then i did it with the puff of smoke icon and nothing changed
Create a blank /icon object. Add it to the clones overlay var. Flick the smoke state onto the object.
umm i get the jist of it but not all of it so basically
verb Clone() var/mob/Clone/m=new/mob/Clone add by here >>> m.overlays+=Smoke m.overlays+=usr.overlays m.underlays+=usr.underlays m.overlays-=src.underlays m.Move(get_step(usr,usr.dir,)) but i am not sure how i would add the blank icon in. |
To initialize a blank icon object:
var/icon/I = icon()
To flick that icon object:
flick('smoke.dmi', I)
well i get it now but sadly i didn't some very bad coding well i think it's bad because when u add the coding to make the flick work the way i wanted it to it made my player no icon this is what i got to make my player an icon is this wrong
mob icon = 'Player normal.dmi' is there a better way to do it to like fix the icon to the usr? |
If I understand this correctly, you want to change the icon variable of the mob? And add something to the overlays of the mob? You've pretty much answered your own question...