Hey everyone, I just wanted to say that im making a new one piece game which will start out to be a strictly pvp fighting game,then as we progress we will turn it into a adventure game where u can choose your own path, find devil fruits be pirates or marines, you decide , but as for now im looking for iconners and programmers to join if anyone is interested, im myself am an iconner and i have made the full base couple other stuff, but im not that good so yeah, hope it goes well and please support
Thanks :)
P.S ill be posting updates on games like the art and etc everyday and here is the link http://www.byond.com/games/Ortewix/OnePiece
Apr 27 2014, 9:48 pm (Edited on Apr 28 2014, 12:51 am)
Apr 28 2014, 7:08 pm
hey man i am interested in working with you on the game. msg me i am an iconner
In response to Southend_boi
Thanks ^_^ Alot