I understand you can pass a verb through a button click, but I am not sure if it's possible to pass an argument through it? Is it, and if so, how?
When the button is pressed, the button's command is executed exactly as if somebody had typed it into the command line and pressed enter.
In response to Garthor
Which would provide me with the question, can you type arguments into a command line procedure?
In response to CauTi0N
say "Gee, I dunno...
In response to Garthor
Alright, I'll toy around with it. Thank you, even with your bit of sarcasm.
In response to CauTi0N
I have never passed objects or lists through a command line, but I do know you can pass text and numbers through a command line.
verb/test(n as num)
if(n) src<<n
//Command: test 1

verb/test2(t as text)
if(t) src<<t
//Command: test2 "yes"

//I dunno if these would be possible through commands
if(a) src<<a
//Command: test3 usr

for(var/x in L)
//Command: test4 list("Maybe","Doubt it")
In response to Spunky_Girl
From my incredibly old days of Mystic Journey, I recall you could set macro's to work alongside with objects as the arguments - .dblclick pick-axe I think was one of them. In any case, I figured out what I needed - it was just the text. Thank you everyone.