I'm pretty new to BYOND programming, but I have lots of experience with other languages. But now I stumbled onto a problem, which I can't really solve by using the search or blue book.
Let's say I have the following code:
mob var HP = 250 fighting_knowledge = 10 verb punch(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) var damage = rand(1,3)*fighting_knowledge M.HP -= damage world << "Punch:[usr] hit [M] for [damage] HP" usr.fighting_knowledge += rand(0,1) verb double_punch(mob/M as mob in oview(1)) var damage = 2*rand(1,3)*fighting_knowledge M.HP -= damage world << "Double Punch:[usr] hits [M] for [damage] HP"
How could I unlock the "double_punch" verb for a user once he reached a certain amount of "fighting_knowledge" ?
I know it "works" with set invisibility = (number) but I wouldn't know how to continue with that.
Thank you,
Then you would call that proc everytime the user's fighting_knowledge increased. You may want some sort of identifier to the player, like usr << "You learned double punch!"