We've seen a massive amount of changes come through the pipe in FantasyMUD lately, and instead of listing them all i'll just post a few of the key updates.
This is the big one. After creating a new character everyone will get to experience the brand new tutorial, taking you through all the essential(and some not so essential) information you'll need to get started in the world of Arjinius! It's packed with excitement, so come give it try!
Boss Types:
Yes, adventurers beware! The boss type mobs are in, and they can pack a punch! Bosses will always drop exceptional loot, but you'll have to work for it as they will always have special powerful attacks.
Skill Updates:
Every class is seeing constant updates to their combat skill trees, and now more then ever we need your help to test it all out. The addition of other unique skills throughout the world is ongoing as well.. Learn all about foraging, riding, hiding and more as you travel the continent.
There's so much more.. You'll just have to come see it.
The Test servers are going to be coming up again through the coming weeks and we're going to need some help finding bugs and improving the overall game experience.
Roleplayers, make yourselves at home!
Arjinius offers a massive immersive world filled with all the tools you need to create the deepest roleplay community on Byond! If you're not interested in delving into dungeons and exploring vast landscapes (what's wrong with you!?) That's ok! Take a seat at the pub and make some new friends while you share an ale in front of the fire. We want everyone to come and take part in crafting the future of our world.
Please follow and favorite FantasyMUD to get the latest news and be notified as soon the servers come back online.
See you in Arjinius!
-Ageless Creations
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