the name basically summs it up but what i got is when something is summon a puff of smoke comes and when the smoke fades theres nothing there but i want the actually summon to be there
i used the flick proc beacuse ni didn't know any other way to tackle it help plz
Feb 9 2011, 4:52 am
Feb 9 2011, 5:19 am
All that I was able to understand from your horrible english was this, that you are trying to make an icon appear over the player icon, and then after sometime, the icon goes away but the player is still behind it. If that's what you mean, then you can use overlays. Read the reference (F1) for more information.
In response to Hashir
well thxs for the complement but sadly i couldn't care less if i have bad grammer. Well it seem that you understood what i wanted but i couldn't understand how it would work in that sense the only eample were of it being an obj such as clothsdon't bother replying if all your going to do is insult me i fined out some other way.
In response to Jamesy577
This is an example without indentations or anything else.
src.overlays+='iconnamehere.dmi' //Replace 'iconnamehere' with the name of the icon file you want to use. In the reference: The sleep proc. Overlays. Greetings, Raimo. |
In response to Raimo
thxs that helped a lot if you do mind could u help me with on more thing well i don't want the icon to aper behide the overlay for 1 second i tryed useing flick and a icon that is nothing for a second but the icon just appaers strige away.
what can i use to delay the new mob from apearing without delaying the from doing it'soverlay action |
You want smoke to appear in a certain location and when it fades, there is a mob there correct? If that is the case, I would create a smoke animation that is dense and first and then fades/thins out. I would place both the mob and the smoke in the same location, with the smoke having a higher layer then the mob and have it run its animation and then delete itself, leaving the already there mob exposed.
In response to Jamesy577
In response to Raimo
i look at it but i can't understand how it works i thought it would be like this
mob that what i though i would have to put it but it doesn't seem to do anything |
You'll want to make an image object over the corresponding mob and then flick the image. Flicking the mob itself will not leave the original icon behind underneath.
In response to Jamesy577
I could have swore that I had told you this multiple times before...
You NEED to utilize the best grammar you can when asking for help from other people since it helps the people you're asking for help from, to understand you. This helps us to help you better and faster. We are not psychic and cannot tell what you want exactly from reading horrible/broken English. If English is not your first language, then it might be better to find someone who speaks your native language to help you. |