I am trying to create a proc that given a x,y value and a radius, it will return a list of all the coordinates within the circle (not just a ring but a filled circle). I can't use range or view because this does not apply to turfs. It is more of an abstraction using an array set up as array[x][y].
If anyone has any ideas or if I missed anything in the forum let me know.
I have tried adapting something I used in my graph program using polar coordinates:
Gr_Polar(var/radius as num, var/ang as num)
var/py = radius*sin(ang)
var/px = radius*cos(ang)
return list[px][py] //this is a global list
But this doesn't really give the best results since I have to round it which creates off center shapes.
If it is any help, I probably wont have a radius greater than 4.