I have an issue in trying to solve and I would like help
knowing what it is I need to do,because I've tried several ways.I am trying to make a button let a player execute a verb by double clicking it.

the button:obj/hudbuttons/slash
(something o.o)
the verb I want it to let the player perform when DblClicked on:mob/Sword/verb/Slash

Do you intend on allowing the player to both click the button as well as click a Slash verb in order to use it? Otherwise, it may be enough to simply change Slash from a verb to a proc and call it when the player clicks the button.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
yes I Suppose I can do That however I would still like to let them keep the verb in their statpanel as well

is there a way to make the button let the player perform the verb or must I change the verb to a proc?
In response to 478975
Well to be honest, you have quite a few options:
Using your current method of onscreen buttons, you could just create another verb that would just call the slash proc although I'm sure there is another way to call a verb directly from your button without making it a proc beforehand (can't recall how to do this with certainty at the moment though)

Using the interface method of creating buttons, you would just set it's command to the verb and you'd still have both ways of using Slash.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I changed it to a proc btw and it gives me this error,I think its having trouble identifying the mob like that(or its just my crappy coding:P)

runtime error: Cannot read null.Health
proc name: Slash (/mob/proc/Slash)
usr: 478975 (/mob)
src: 478975 (/mob)
call stack:
478975 (/mob): Slash(null)
the slash (/obj/hudbuttons/slash): Click("map", "", "icon-x=16;icon-y=17;left=1;scr...")
and heres part of the proc:
Slash(mob/M as mob in oview(1))
if(usr.atcking == 0)
usr.atcking = 1
if( ==0)
usr<<"You attack [M]"
that is of course cutting lots of it out however if you know how to fix the problem that would be awesome

In response to 478975


There you go.
In response to Bravo1
alright thanks so much bravo and you too mecha

however the button still cannot recognize the mob or whatever and im still getting my error issue