If i wanted to make a code to show" Sword minus(-)2/4 reflex=Damage taken"How would i write that? Do i have 2 use solid numbers or does fractions work?
Snyperwolf wrote:
If i wanted to make a code to show" Sword minus(-)2/4 reflex=Damage taken"How would i write that? Do i have 2 use solid numbers or does fractions work?

It's kinda hard to understand what your question is.

You could probably do this in one statement but I'm not sure about the order of operations...
var x = reflex/2
var/damage = sword-x
In response to Lilcloudy1
Thx,ok heres the question restated; I wanna make a battle system where if u use a sword against another player/npc it checks your sword stat and minuses(sp) it against two-fourths of the enemies rfx and whatever it comes to is the Damage(HP) the person loses