//Found obvious errors in my code i wrote to try to give an example of the problem... maybe you an answer without it?
runtime error: list index out of bounds
proc name: testproc (/obj/testguy/proc/testproc)
usr: the cloudy (/mob)
src: the testguy (/obj/testguy)
call stack:
the testguy (/obj/testguy): testproc()
the testguy (/obj/testguy): Click(the grass (2,5,1) (/turf/grass), "mapwindow.map", "icon-x=16;icon-y=6;left=1;scre...")
Problem description: I get this out of bounds error a lot (runtime) im not sure what it means and if i understood it better I could debug it
Right now I've written an extensive amount of code on a work around to the following problem: If you add mob's to a list, how do you access the mob in a specific spot in the list and access that mob's variables?
What im doing is adding the names of the mobs to a list, comparing the names to mobs in view (or world) to locate the mob I want modified, then accessing its variables. If only...
lista[1].name = "billy" worked... :(