I got 2 questions.

1.How do i code Overlays to change with the mob direction(A.K.A mask, swords.)

2.How do i code in overlays as equip so i can just click sword/mask to add it instead of having an add/minus overlay

turf/verb/AddOverlay(I as icon)
overlays += I
turf/verb/RemoveOverlay(I as icon)
overlays -= I
Snyperwolf wrote:
I got 2 questions.

1.How do i code Overlays to change with the mob direction(A.K.A mask, swords.)

All you need to do it make a movement state icon like you would for a mob.

2.How do i code in overlays as equip so i can just click sword/mask to add it instead of having an add/minus overlay

Look up the Click() proc in the reference, if your using a grid or statpanel(shudder) for inventory, set Click() for the obj your trying to equip to add the overlay, click again to remove, this is usually where you would do other things like actually changing stats and such.

In response to Jotdaniel
Thx for the help