Apr 28 2011, 1:29 pm
okay so i am currently working on a quest and i forgot how to set where the var is set at
Apr 28 2011, 6:46 pm
okay so i am currently trying to boil some pancakes and my computer doest boot
You're going to have to provide a lot more specific information if you hope to get any help.
Zaoshi, if you have nothing productive to post, please don't post, so those that have something worth saying can be heard. |
okay so currently im trying to make the varible be assinged to a src or usr but how do i do that
In response to Laserdog
If you want to assign a variable for players (who are mobs) then do the following (where * is the value of the variable):
mob/var/my_variable_name_here = *
usr is a variable that refers to the player who calls a function, while src refers to the object the verb belongs to. Here's the example from the reference: obj/Bread If a player named Rothbard calls the eat verb then his name shows up in place of []. Because src refers to the specific object the verb belongs to, [] gets replaced with "Bread" to produce "Rothbard eats Bread." |
In response to Zaoshi
My pancakes won't boot, because I boiled them.
Should I plug in the syrup? :p |