Does anyone know how to configure Ubuntu 10.10 to auto-start a BYOND world when the server is rebooted?

I've been searching online and through forums posts but I can't find anything helpful yet.

I may not be looking for the right keywords though.

In response to Pirion
I've visited a ton of results in Google, including that one but nothing which I can fully understand.

I think I need to add the script line to the rc.local file so that's what I'm looking for now. Here's the file and a guess at what the line might look like.

#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
# My DreamDaemon line goes here and looks something like:
DreamDaemon Resource\ Center/ResourceCenter.dmb 8802 -logself -trusted

exit 0
In response to Tsfreaks
When you open sessions (System -> Preferences -> Sessions) There is a tab that says Statup Programs, When in there, hit Add + and enter a name and the command to execute it at Ubuntu startup.
In response to Pirion
I don't have access to the GUI. I'm using Bitvise & xterm.
In response to Tsfreaks
I understand nothing you are saying. But, in a sticky situation all ideas are good, right? Here is my idea.

If you can create a code to send a command to tell your server or whatever to start up again then tell me. I will create the code for you through PHP or something. You can add this code like so.. src << link("") so whoever reboots will be directed to this page and this page will send out a signal to your website. Or this page can also redirect you to the hosting site. But you could direct it to the exact link that tell your host to start up again. like or something. If I saw what you were talking about maybe I'd have more of a clue.

Hope my idea helps.