I was curious if someone could post an example of a basic verb code to relocate a player from one map to another?
Been diving into the DM for about 3 weeks or so and despite reading the entire 'bluebook' end to end and referring/scanning it over and over I have yet to figure this out.
I would prefer assign this verb to a 'turf' icon as apposed to a 'obj' until I figure how to make objects un'get'able.
If any kind soul could lend a hand here I could move on to testing other things...
![]() May 16 2011, 11:38 am
I see...
I thought it was locate(x-axis,y-axis,z-axis) I take it the 'map' number is based top down how the map files appear in the DM then? i.e. if one created 'aviary.dmm' and 'zoo.dmm' (given that they are arranged alphabetically) then 'locate(3,2,2) would be zoo right? |
Err...no. The map number is the frame your on, you can have one map file with multiple map frames. It would make the most sense to use multiple frames, then create different styles on each or however you like.
odd...it seems to work actually.
two completely different '.dmm' files did locate(5,5,2) to indicate the second map file and it worked...same for the return portal locate(5,5,1). |
It shouldn't have worked. Have you checked if there were two different icons on each map? Like a pink tile on zoo.dmm at 1,1 and a green tile on the other map? Just to test it out. But what he said works fine. The x and y are the location of the map and the z is the instance.
Slobad wrote:
By frame you mean another z-axis? Yes, that's what he means. If each map has exactly "one" z-instance then I supppose it should work. I have never tried this.. You can always edit your map file by clicking edit at the top and changing the Map Size. |
oh yes they are very different maps.
Just tried it with a third .dmm and the locate(5,5,3) takes me right to it =)...I was sure to name the third .dmm file so it would be third 'topdownwise' as appears on the DM. lemme copypasta this to show... turf portal icon = 'portal.dmi' density = 0 Entered(mob/m) if(ismob(m)) m.loc = locate(5,4,2) secondportal icon = '2-1portal.dmi' density = 0 Entered(mob/m) if(ismob(m)) m.loc = locate(16,17,1) thridportal icon = 'portal.dmi' density = 0 Entered(mob/m) if(ismob(m)) m.loc = locate(5,4,3) my map files are as appears... neon1.dmm neon2.dmm xneon.dmm 'portal' takes me to neon2.dmm 'secondportal' takes me back to neon1.dmm 'thridportal'(heh just saw that) takes me to xneon.dmm all as I intended... ...something I missed maybe? |
That's basically all you need. You have to put the correct cordinates of the location they will relocating to, like this:
Hope that helps.