How do I import this file in to a var of a player with the key King where the var is onlinefiles=list("") ?? I need help.
Also, how do you export a file from a code like this:
IPBan(client/M in world)
switch(input("Are you sure you would like to ban this player?","Ban") in list ("Yes","No"))
if(fexists("Banned/Ban List.txt"))
var/R=input("For what reason?", "Reason") as text
world << "[src] has banned [M] for [R]"
var/F=file("Banned/Ban List.txt")
F["[M.key]"] >> M.key
del M
var/R=input("For what reason?", "Reason") as text
world << "[src] has banned [M] for [R]"
var/F=file("Banned/Ban List.txt")
new F
F["[M.key]"] >> M.key
del M
It gives me a runtime error (obviously because the f[""] >> is for savefiles i guess. But i don't know what else to use.) I just want the bans to be put in to a text file so the host can easily select their name and remove it. I'd appreciate it if you could make something for other admins to remove it.