So I have a website for example called and I have a file located at

How do I import this file in to a var of a player with the key King where the var is onlinefiles=list("") ?? I need help.

Also, how do you export a file from a code like this:

    IPBan(client/M in world)
switch(input("Are you sure you would like to ban this player?","Ban") in list ("Yes","No"))
if(fexists("Banned/Ban List.txt"))
var/R=input("For what reason?", "Reason") as text
world << "[src] has banned [M] for [R]"
var/F=file("Banned/Ban List.txt")
F["[M.key]"] >> M.key
del M
var/R=input("For what reason?", "Reason") as text
world << "[src] has banned [M] for [R]"
var/F=file("Banned/Ban List.txt")
new F
F["[M.key]"] >> M.key
del M

It gives me a runtime error (obviously because the f[""] >> is for savefiles i guess. But i don't know what else to use.) I just want the bans to be put in to a text file so the host can easily select their name and remove it. I'd appreciate it if you could make something for other admins to remove it.
I'm not sure if this will work but I'm giving it my best shot : P

Write(F) << M.key
I don't believe files can be exported or ftp'ed or anything like that.

world.Import does work on url's though iirc.