I searched the forums but couldn't find any topic on my situation.

I have a quest giver NPC that stands there when you are within 10steps from her it checks to see if she has a quest for you it puts a ! / ? overlay on the NPC if she has a quest for that player. Only problem is other people can see that overlay even if she doesn't have a quest for them I just want the person that the ! / ? is meant for, for him to see it only.

I'm trying to figure how to do it on my own but I love the help you guys provide I thank ye in advance for your help and i hope that makes sense. :P
post the NPC Code.
In response to Xirre
for(var/mob/NPCs/M in oview(10))
for(var/obj/Quests/Q in M.Quests)

Thats for while the player is walking around. I don't know if you can tell but I am trying to do a WoW style quest giver. If the NPC has a quest and you are too low level for it the ! is silver, if you are of level it is yellow, if you are on the quest the ? is silver, and if it's complete the ? is yellow.
In response to Bhill1
don't you have a code like mob/NPC/Quest_Giver?
Also tell me which is which.

Quest4.dmi: Gray ?
Quest3.dmi: ????
In response to Xirre
Yes but that has nothing to do with the problem at hand the only code associated with the Quest giver is talking to her to GET the quest. I just want the person that is able to recieve a quest from that quest giver to be the ONLY one to see the icon overlay (! / ?) put over the quest giver's head.

Ex: If you and I are playing we both walk to quest giver but you completed all the quests she can give, but i haven't you will see the (!) that is meant for my eyes only.
In response to Bhill1
Sounds like you want images. With an image, you can set it's loc to be the quest giver, give it a proper pixel_y value to put it over their head, and then output it to the individual player(s) you want to see that particular image by adding it to their client.images list. Just make sure to keep track of the images so you can remove them later, and so they don't build up.

The reference has a good primer on images for you to start with. We can help you further if you run into any roadblocks.