Well, it's no big secret I get movie rentals for free. What with the job and all. So I took advantage of this and hired myself out a thriller by the name of "Cry Wolf."
Now this movie, I have to say, ranks right up there with classics like "Along came a spider" and "187."
Not quite as full on as those two, but it's still very good none the less. The cast was well done, they were good actors, and the plot twisting had me guessing and guessing. I swore I had the right person picked out all through the movie, and they completely screwed me over right at the very end.
Plenty of major plot twists. Everything a good thriller should contain. I give it straight A+.
One of the better movies that hit the Australian shelves this month. =P
![]() Jul 18 2006, 3:54 am
Lol it just hit shelves in Austrila, its been out in america for a good while now. but yea its a good movie.
Yeah its been out here for quite a while.. I didnt see it though, in most horror movies the main characters are total retards.. "Omigosh theres a scream coming from that room and theres blood on the floor in front of it... Lets go look!" "Omigosh a chainnsaw! let me touch ih-" Serrriously none of the stuff that happens in most horror movies could ever really happen to somone unless they have an IQ of -2.
I've seen it. I don't like it because of the part where the "wolf" sticks a knife into the girl...
Just kinda made my gut turn right there. |
Psh. Cry Wolf was one of the better horror movies out there. Tib has some good tastes in movies. It's scariest because it can happen, and something similar to it probably already has.
Cry Wolf was more folk tale than based on something real. I remember hearing about people pulling the kind of prank in an american school. But it was never to the extent this movie made it out as.
Speaking of "Australian", "Wolf", and "Horror Movie/Thriller", I watched Wolf Creek a week or two ago...
Not a bad movie... Not particularly awesome, but you've gotta love horror movies with charismatic bad guys...lol |
I already posted about this movie a long time ago on www.gaiaonline.com.
It's great. For those of you who didn't see it, do it. You'll never guess the ending. I hope there'll be a Cry Wolf 2. =D |
Wolf Creeks only horror aspect was the fact it actually was based on true events. And the events of the two women, being the main characters, is inaccurate because they never found the corpses. The desert is a large place. However, the guy is real and is living somewhere in S.A. I believe. And I can't remember if they found the murderer or not. If they didn't, than he is still out and about <.<
He wouldn't have been that old. Otherwise, it's not very horror at all. I class it more as a thriller myself. And it sucked >.> They made the obvious horror movie mistakes. Which is why it was boring. I had more fun with Saw and Saw II |