Using a custom interface how would you guys implement a WoW style talent tree system. Such as certain classes (ex:priest) has three different specs (holy, disc, shadow) warrior has (fury,arms,protection).
Anyways the question is if you are the priest how would you go about doing a decent sized talent tree for the spec you picked and possible respeccing of your character without seeing the other classes specs. Should i use objs on the map or custom interface buttons...?
So suggestions would be greatfully appreciated.
![]() Jun 20 2011, 7:44 pm
![]() Jun 21 2011, 11:09 am
It's more of a preference really. If you want a drag-able menu with your talents, an interface frame that holds buttons representing each talent would be best. By clicking on the appropriate button, it will add a talent point to that ability, if you have points that is. If you like a solid map screen, I would suggest using a background screen, and simply adding on screen objects as the actual interactive portions to your talent screen. This allows for easier customization for each player and his/her talents.