I'm trying to make cinematic cutscenes like in NEStalgia. But I can't figure out how to make the mobs that I am watching while the story is going for me to be invisible while you are watching the same story. Example: I am watching a cutscene I am half way through and the King is at bottom of screen for come to watch the same cutscene but you see what i am seeing not the begining where the king should be at the top of the screen. I tried invisibility maybe I don't understand it well enough...I jsut don't know how to do this...can someone point me in the right direction please.

Hope that makes sense.
Image objects I would imagine.
In response to Lugia319
Ahh you were right, I was trying to figure out why my image code wasn't working...come to find out it was cause I didnt add it to my client.images. :D thanks for your help.