Loading Contents onto a map
How would I load contents onto a map, in specific order. I got it to display a background icon, and manually place items, but when I go to put the entire list into the map it messes up. The map is a secondary map. I'm not 100% sure on how to work a second map properly. I don't want to use grids. The map is what I want. My secondary map is a Skin, not an actual map. This is what I have for the display now.
Update_Inventory() client.screen += new/obj/BG("InventoryMap:-8,4 to 1,0") client.screen += new/obj/items/equipment/weapon/swords/Basic("InventoryMap:-8,4") for(var/obj/items/T in usr.client.screen) world<<"[T.screen_loc]" //this is a detect for trying to figure out how to determine to place items in specific screen locs.
Any help on better understanding of this is greatly appreciated.
- Why the -8? Doesn't that put most of the map off screen?
- I don't know how it really works, but I remember reading somewhere that the client.screen doesn't work like ordinary lists. So you might have to create a separate list of objects to go into the screen. Try, say, a var/list/obj/items/equipment/weapon/swords/Basic/Weapon_List = new /list(...) and work with the items from there.
- Double check where to set the screen_loc for the items.