Aug 8 2011, 7:22 pm
Is it possible to use two different types of maps? I was hoping to use a side scroller map (Disabling every direction but North, West,and East) and then switching to the regular topdown map to do actual gameplay. Is it possible?
Aug 8 2011, 9:07 pm
If I'm understanding the question correctly, it is indeed entirely possible. It would be as simple as you pointed out, disabling the directions (and maybe perhaps "gravity" or such) and enabling them again for the different gameplay style.
Jmac wrote:
Is it possible to use two different types of maps? I was hoping to use a side scroller map (Disabling every direction but North, West,and East) and then switching to the regular topdown map to do actual gameplay. Is it possible? Make a var that is called MapStyle or something (make sure it's a var for a mob) and find a gravity resource and add a separate thing in it so it would read if(usr.MapStyle=="Bird-Eye") and then it would have it so it can have them walk with step(NORTH,usr) or something like that and then have if(usr.MapStyle=="SideScroller") and have the gravity proc there, and then when they go to the sidescroller map make sure to change their MapStyle variable to SideScroller (or whatever value you are using for it) and when they pass thru another thing to get to bird-eye view, change the var to "Bird-Eye" (or whatever value you are using for it) to make sure the gravity won't mess up and make the gravity take effect on bird-eye or no gravity in sidescroller. |