Naruto Ninja Moo Moo (Old Hub)

by Ashley_Laww
Naruto Ninja Moo Moo (Old Hub)
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!

Rating of 1/5 given do to the fact there are no guides / tabs ect on controls of the game or how to play. The player base is also lacking in basic info department makeing this game for a new player an abobsoute horrid experience. Now Game player is fast, when not lagging and u can die in under 2 seconds which is in my opion another horrid experence. Does a 2d side scroller naruto game have a chance of being great yes but not this one. Its basic codeing doesnt allow for any fun experence and all wins are based on luck off screen kills or surviving.
Who are you to review anything? You can't even write a proper paragraph, LOL.

Your grammar 1/5