Problem description: Hi, i want to make a spy verb that the user can view mob(Player) screen (What the Mob see in the game) Or view location in the screen, how to code it ? i don't know even how to start


Spy(mob/M) in world)
usr.client.eye = M
usr.client.eye = usr

this isn't the best method, especially since the screen will likely go black.. I'd recommend looking in the BYOND resources for better methods.

In response to BeignetLover
The screen goes black because you're failing to change client.perspective. If the perspective variable is set to MOB_PERSPECTIVE it'll only allow you to see things within view of your client's mob, if perspective is set to EYE_PERSPECTIVE it'll allow you to see anything your eye can see.
In response to Nadrew
exactly, so add the perspective vars to the verbs in order for a fully working spy verb.