Hey all,
Having bought centration and being dissapointed with the lack of features in a year i figured hey why not work on an open source project using unity and the angrybots art assets to build a game
It's pretty much a prebuilt space station - remove those AI and setup some mouse over toggling on the objects in the area and we can get something going pretty quickly
If you are interested in helping out I'm going to keep the source code here:
Naturally it's unity so this should run on any internet connected windows, linux and android device
There is also iOS build options but i don't have an iOS developer license
I guess lets keep the chatter here
Apr 19 2014, 12:48 am (Edited on Apr 20 2014, 2:16 pm)
Apr 20 2014, 6:50 am
Latest builds: - http://play.fallofanempire.com/
Current Features
---------------- Network syncronisation Player register/Login Next Features ------------- Object spawning Object Interaction Skills |