I am giving myself a Give_Verb() verb so I can give anyone I want, any verb in game. What I was wondering is, is there something I should look into in the reference to help me in this endevour, because I know I can type up every verb in the game into a list manually, but this would be really time consuming, I would likely miss out some verbs, etc.

So if someone knows of/can point me in the direction of a way to do this more efficiently, your assistance would be much appreciated.
Jin150 wrote:
I am giving myself a Give_Verb() verb so I can give anyone I want, any verb in game. What I was wondering is, is there something I should look into in the reference to help me in this endevour, because I know I can type up every verb in the game into a list manually, but this would be really time consuming, I would likely miss out some verbs, etc.

So if someone knows of/can point me in the direction of a way to do this more efficiently, your assistance would be much appreciated.

mob/verb/Give_Verb(mob/M in world, V as null|anything in typesof(/mob/verb))
M.verbs += V

This will allow the verb user to choose a mob from the world and then to choose any verb with the path /mob/verb. And lastly, it will add the selected verb to the selected mob.

Look up typesof() proc in Reference.

- Hashir
In response to Hashir
Thank you very much. The reference is quite a big place so I had a feeling there was something in there that I missed. You just saved me a good 2 hours of typing so thanks xD I appreciate it.